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The Keith Middlebrook Foundation:
I believe in helping those in need. Please take a moment and visit these

charity websites that I strongly support and see how you can help other people and animals 
who are less fortunate and spread the blessing or prosperity to those who need to be saved, a little help in life or are in desperate need of Healing, Help & Resources. – Keith Middlebrook 
NOTE: Please click on the Links below and give DIRECTLY to help those in Need, 100% of your donation goes directly to ALL the charities I promote. (There is no 501(c0)(3) filed or needed). I use my Celebrity, Brand and Enterprise to Help them.
Tell them Keith Middlebrook the Real Iron Man sent you:
Please Remember: Dogs, Dolphins, Horses, Elephants, Whales, Oceanic. Wildlife, Habitat have no voice, say or attorney to help them. PLEASE click on the link to Give Directly and Save them:
Dolphins have the Intelligence & Emotions of an 16-18 year old human. Please Help Protect our Dolphins from China and Poachers.
Give to 

Give to those Soldiers and Families who have paid the ultimate Sacrifice for all the incredible opportunities you and your family enjoy and I personally ask you please to place your hand over your heart while they play the National Anthem. – Keith Middlebrook aka The Real Iron Man 

Give to Wounded Warriors Project  

Give to Stop World Hunger 

Please Give to SAVE the Dogs and Animals