“Iron” MIke Tyson, Keith Middlebrook, Corrina Middlebrook
Mike Tyson is one of the coolest and most humble people you will ever meet. Myself and my daughter Corrina were honored to talk with him, this was a meeting we will remember forever. Many thanks to Reno Renkin for this first impromptu meeting with one of the greatest boxing champions of all time. – Keith Middlebrook
Above: My first meeting with the boxing legend “Iron” Mike Tyson outside of a Tatoo parlor somewhere in San Fernando Valley California. I am so glad my daughter was with me to meet him, we were on the way to Universal Studios. Spring 2004. – Keith Middlebrook
Pictured above: Keith Middlebrook, Mike Tyson and my daughter Corrina Middlebrook
In my opinion Mike Tyson was the most explosive and exciting fighter of all time, and a mentor to me on overcoming challenges, perseverance and developing a relentless drive.- Keith Middlebrook
In all reality, Mike Tyson, raised boxing to a whole new level in history, I witnessed him fight “live” 4 times. He was so ferocious it had gotten to the point of not weather he would win or lose but how many seconds it would take for him to knockout his opponent, 60 seconds? 30 Seconds?
In my opinion there will never be another Mike Tyson – Keith Middlebrook
In Beverly Hills we hung out at the Golden Globes after party with the Weinstein Group for the “Hangover” Party, he is hilarious in this movie.
*Mike Tyson also has a big heart for ALL kids and is also a great father, seeing this for myself, if it was possible, he earned even more respect from me.
One of our greatest meetings I’ll never forget was summer 2007 at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas.
this is another story…………
Keith Middlebrook
Keith Middlebrook & Mike Tyson, Summer 2004, San Fernando Valley California. I did my Mike Tyson impersonation for him, we were laughing so hard! – Keith Middlebrook
Keith Middlebrook Pro Sports LLC
“Ballers & Players” a Division of Keith Middlebrook Enterprise LLC