Shaquille O’neil, Keith Middlebrook, Muhammad Ali, Night of the Champions
Keith Middlebrook Enterprise LLC
Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’neal of the Los Angeles Lakers
Keith Middlebrook and Shaquille O’neal, our 3rd meeting at Muhammad Ali’s Night of the Champions, 2006.
Pictured Below: I also appear as “Jake Simon Nightclub Owner” on Shaq’s TV show “Ballerz” still yet to be picked up.
*Also on that day filming the pilot for “Ballerz” I met for the 2nd time with Shane Mosley, and at the end of the day talking with Shane I had to ask: Since you recently fought Floyd and Pacquiao, who in Your mind will win if they fought today? He paused for moment then said, “Floyd”.
*I first spoke with Shaq spring 2004 in Florida, then again in Pheonix AZ, then again in Louisiana, then again through Carl “the Mailman” Malone..this is another story……..
*Shaq at one point had me searching the world over for a Special addition Cobra Mustang he just had to have, after I finally found it, the owner would not let it go for Shaq’s butchered price witch according to the owner had no profit margin at all, No matter how much I tried, he did not “give a rats ass” that it was “Shaq” buying it.
Much more to come on Shaq, Shane Mosley, Floyd Mayweather and “Ballerz”…………………………….Keith Middlebrook
Keith Middlebrook President / Independent Film Capital LLC
“Ballers & Players” Keith Middlebrook
Divisions of Keith Middlebrook Enterprise LLC