On March 23, 2015, during training at Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas, the second Sparring partner toward the end of the day got in a Great shot at Floyd and busted Floyd’s lip while trash talking. The next day on March 24, 205, Floyd Mayweather scheduled him first on the sparring...
Keith Middlebrook, K...
posted by Staff
I am the Mastermind that created the Largest Payday for myself Keith Middlebrook, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao the Fight of the Century at $200,000,000.00 with a 60/40 split! All Details to come on how I did it. – Keith Middlebrook Technorati Tags: Fight of the Century, Floyd...
Keith Middlebrook, P...
posted by Staff
When I sat with Floyd at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas at 2:30 in the morning I Said Floyd: “Command, Demand and Stand to Fight Manny Pacquiao for $200,000,0000.00 with a 60/40 SPLIT, YOU will get it if you hold out long enough!”. He said “Keith your CRAZY” I...
Keith Middlebrook, K...
posted by Staff
Keith Middlebrook, thanks for helping me in a most important time in my life. NFL Champion, Terrell Owens. December 26, 2012. Keith Middlebrook, and Terrell Owens at the Sherman Oaks Cheese Cake Factory, Los Angeles California. Visit: www.terrellowens.com Follow Terrell Owens ...
Keith Middlebrook, P...
posted by Staff
Keith Middlebrook, and the Champ, 47-0, Floyd Mayweather, 2014. I met Keith through a friend who said some amazing things about him and his work over the years with his clients. I am greatfull and thankful to Keith Middlebrook for the positive impact on my portfolio and my life. – Floyd...